Tips & Tricks
Those tablets you decommissioned when your old software wouldn't run on them anymore...  Charge them back up!
** Infinite Command - So powerful it'll stretch your dollar! **
Installs and sync'ing are a thing of the past!  Really, why pay each time you switch between iOS, Android, or Windows?
Anywhere - Anytime - Any Device - Infinite Command
Updating preplans from your office computer. Gathering preplan information on your tablet. Reviewing preplans on your mobile device.
** That's how you Infinite Command **

Fire Department Management Solutions (Fire RMS)

We all know that modern fires burn hotter and faster than ever before, but that's not the only place responders feel the heat!  The searing pressure to "Do More With Less" is a real and dangerous burden on our communities and our crews. The unfortunate truth is that this all-too-often leads to reductions in staffing and prevention efforts, painful elimination of planning/preparedness, and even cutting corners - sacrificing the safety of all of our own first responders.... a reality that no one should have to face.  

Turn that trend around.  Let Infinite Command show you a new way to apply technology and a better way to get more done.  

Your legacy starts here - with Incident Reporting, Fire & Life Safety Protection & Prevention tools, stunning innovations in crew management and safety, augmented command decision support, and improved performance before, during & after every incident.  If you are responsible for the safety of fellow responders and your community - See how Infinite Command is so essential to the success of your mission.   



We've only scratched the surface.  Ready To Learn More? 

 Call 833-452-0123  or  

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